Answer: Click here to read US FDA info on using ozone as a antimicrobial for food storage and processing.
ANSWER: Ozone, sometimes called "activated oxygen", contains three atoms of oxygen rather than the two atoms we normally breath. Ozone is the second most powerful sterilize in the world and its function is to destroy bacteria, viruses and odors in nature. Interestingly ozone occurs quite readily in nature, most often as a result of lightning strikes that occur during thunderstorms. In fact that "fresh, clean, spring rain" smell that we notice after a storm most often results from natures creation of ozone. Ozone is also created by water falls. However, we are probably most familiar with ozone from reading about the "ozone layer" that circles the planet above the earth atmosphere. Here ozone is created by the sun's ultra-violet rays. This serves to protect us from the ultra-violet radiation. Additionally, each of us is exposed to high levels of ozone daily for short periods of time. This happens in heavy traffic conditions or during times when the weather forces the industrial gases to remain lower to the ground than is otherwise normal. The combination of these two factors can result in ozone readings as high as 4 or 5 times the "regulatory" levels for continuous exposure with absolutely no adverse affects as our exposure is for such short periods, and the ozone itself decays back to normal oxygen so rapidly.
- ANSWER: Do not believe claims about corona discharge ozone generators that claim "zero" or "no nitrogen oxides". ALL CORONA DISCHARGE OZONE GENERATORS CREATE A SMALL AMOUNT OF NITROGEN OXIDES" unless they use pure oxygen for feed gas and have absolutely no steel of any kind in the generation chamber. The amount produced is negligible, approximately 1/100 of the amount of ozone being produced. In an ozonated area that is safe to occupy (>0.04 ppm) the nitrogen oxide level would be around 0.0004, well below the safe level.
- Some companies have used a testing method that does not work, Draeger gas testing tubes and Matheson gas detector tubes for nitrogen are not usable in an ozone environment. Both companies state in their instructions that they will not give an accurate reading in an ozone environment. Draeger say's that the nitrogen oxide tests are "not compatible with an ozone environment" and Matheson states that "the stained layer is decolorized by ozone"
- We have tested our equipment with the Matheson gas testers and came up with 0 nitrogen oxides, However we know that, THE TESTS HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO MEANING WHEN DONE IN THE PRESENCE OF OZONE so we do not claim zero.
ANSWER: While ozone is very powerful, it has a very short life cycle. When it is faced with odors, bacteria or viruses the extra atom of oxygen destroys them completely by oxidation. In so doing, that extra atom of oxygen is destroyed and there is nothing extra atom, only oxygen. In addition to the effectiveness of ozone, we also know that it is safe to use. We know this from our own safe exposures daily to ozone, weather, as noted earlier, resulting from being locked in traffic, or passing through industrial areas. These exposures have no effect on us beyond our acknowledging the unpleasant odor associated with this "filthy air". It is the very unpleasantness of this air that provides ozone with it's "built in" safety mechanism. Ozone is safe because we notice it's unpleasant odor at very residual levels. By residual we mean, the amount of ozone that is produced in excess of the required amount to eliminate whatever contamination that may be present in the room. This equipment, when installed correctly will not exceed government guidelines for continuous safe exposure. Even if installed incorrectly, ozone provides its own protection, as ozone warns us in a manner similar to smoke in a room. Ozone does this by becoming so offensive at 1.5 parts per million that we would not be able to stay in the environment for any more than a short period. This is much like what would happen if we entered a smoke filled room. However, while smoke might harm us, research has proven that such a limited exposure to such a low level of ozone would have no serious long term affect on us just as it does not affect us when caught in a traffic jam during rush hour. Carrying that example one step further, this equipment is incapable of producing ozone in sufficient quantities even if installed incorrectly and left running continuously, to cause any long term risks to your health even assuming that you could stand there and be exposed to it (remember the smoke example).
ANSWER: There are basically two methods of producing ozone...ultra-violet and corona discharge. Most equipment uses the corona discharge method, simulating in essence, lightning. Equipment utilizing UV was hard to find in the past because it was inefficient, expensive to operate, unreliable, and very costly to service compared to the corona discharge equipment available. In recent years the UV technology has improved enough to make it a viable alternative to the corona discharge systems.
ANSWER: As soon as ozone is formed in the generator and dispersed in a room some of it decays back into oxygen. This step occurs by several processes including the following: Natural decay (or revision to oxygen) due to ozone chemical instability. Speeding up of the above process by the presence of such as walls, carpets etc. stimulating the decay process. Oxidation reaction with odor causing organic material, which removes ozone. Reactions with bacteria etc., which again consumes ozone by oxidation reactions. Additionally ozone itself has a half life which means that "residual" ozone created (extra unneeded ozone) will return to oxygen within at most 30 minutes, in amounts equal to half its level. What this means is that after each subsequent 30 minute period there would be half as much residual ozone left at the end of the period as was present at the beginning of the period. This is similar to a geometric progression of 16;8;4;2;1. In practice the half life is usually less than 30 minutes due to temperature, bacterial, and other contaminants in the air. Therefore, ozone while very powerful doesn't last long...just does it's job and disappears.
ANSWER: No. If ozone is applied properly it destroys (oxidizes ) the source of the odor. However, in the case of mildew the odor will return if you are unable to get rid of the moisture that is the source of the mildew.
QUESTION: What have I got to lose
ANSWER: Well, maybe the old nickname "Stinky"! We have a simple guarantee: if you are not satisfied, we'll do it again until you are questions asked.